Returns the number of cleaned locations documents in between two dates
query_cleaned_locations(cons) query_cleaned_locations_by_timestamp(cons, dates) downsample_cleaned_locations_by_timestamp(cons, dates, sample_size) query_server_calls(cons) query_usercache_get_summ(cons) query_usercache_put_summ(cons) query_diary_summ(cons) query_usercache_get_summ(cons) query_usercache_put_summ(cons) query_diary_summ(cons) query_cleaned_trips(cons) query_most_recent_n_trip_docs(cons, n) query_confirmed_trips_by_timestamp(cons, dates) query_max_trip_timestamp(cons) query_min_trip_timestamp(cons) get_n_trips_in_query(cons, dates) get_n_locations_in_query(cons, dates) query_cleaned_place(cons) query_cleaned_section(cons) query_raw_trips(cons) query_stage_uuids(cons) query_stage_profiles(cons)
cons | a list of connections created with [connect_stage_collections()]. |
dates | a date range, a character vector of length two. Dates must be in this format "yyyy-mm-dd". |
sample_size | number of location documents to be queried. |
n | number of trips used by `query_most_recent_n_trip_docs()` |
a data.frame/data.table.
`downsample_cleaned_locations_by_timestamp` returns a dataframe containing `sample_size` location documents within the date range.
`query_usercache_put_summ()` returns the first and last put calls for each user.
`query_most_recent_n_trip_docs()` yields trips data for the most recent n trips, based on data.end_ts
`query_confirmed_trips_by_timestamp()` trips data between the start timestamp of the first date and the start timestamp of the second date.
`get_n_trips_in_query()` returns the number of cleaned trip documents in between two dates